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Sep 17, 2021

Is it possible to avoid the probate process?

Settling an estate can be a complex process for a Florida family after the passing of a loved one. Depending on how the estate plan was written, it may be necessary to navigate the probate…

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Sep 11, 2021

Single adults and their estate planning needs

Just because a Florida adult is single does not mean he or she doesn’t have the need to plan for the future. Long-term planning is important for adults of all ages, regardless of their marital…

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Aug 29, 2021

Special needs trusts can be powerful estate planning tools

Every estate plan is different, and each individual should look to his or her plans for the future and potential family needs in order to create the right strategy. If a Florida family has a…

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Aug 19, 2021

You may have more cause to update your estate plan than you think

The changes that life throws at you can be difficult, if not impossible, to predict. You may have various events that catch you off guard with some being good or beneficial and others being troublesome.…

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Aug 15, 2021

What makes an estate plan a good estate plan?

There is no cookie-cutter solution for long-term legal and financial planning. Each Florida adult will benefit from the protections provided by an estate plan, but what this looks like depends on the details of the…

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Aug 07, 2021

Can I ask for help with my loved one’s probate?

After a loved one dies, you may have many questions, not the least of which may be, “What happens now?” While you may be wondering about the course your life will take without your loved…

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Aug 04, 2021

Missteps could make an estate plan less effective

For some Florida residents, avoiding an uncomfortable topic may allow them to feel more like it does not exist. For example, if individuals do not think about funeral arrangements, health scares, end-of-life wishes and other…

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Jul 31, 2021

Couples without children still benefit from estate planning

There are misconceptions that Florida adults and couples without children don’t have as much need for a legal and financial plan for the future. In reality, estate planning is a beneficial step for everyone, including couples who do not have children. This…

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Jul 19, 2021

Marrying again requires a different estate planning strategy

Planning for the future is a personal process, one that should be tailored according to one’s long-term goals and plans. Estate planning is an important process in every stage in life, especially after major life…

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Jul 03, 2021

What could go wrong during the probate process?

Most people are unfamiliar with the potential challenges that can arise when trying to settle a loved one’s estate. Florida families navigating the legal and financial matters that must be addressed after the death of…

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